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The Secret (4 Books Collection): Secret, Hero, Power, Magic

by Rhonda Byrne

“Your thoughts become things!”

Weeks in a row I thought about which book I could recommend. I’ve read a lot in recent weeks, obsessed with finding something successful. So, the result of the recently read books does not rise above three stars out of five. Meanwhile, on the shelf where I keep the books that impressed me and I will definitely read them again, I came across the set written by Rhonda Byrne, when i hear her name, I know that that place worths the attention. This lady is pure and simple impressing me with her words and technics.

All the books written by Rhonda Byrne are excellent, full of teachings and useful tips to improve your life.

I personally believe in the idea behind these books. Reading them, you can apply all those tips in a personal way, adapted to the environment you are part of. The great geniuses of history have always held that the law of attraction is the key to all things that have taken place over time, that we attract exactly what we think and do.

In conclusion, you attract the things you think about, you receive if you give, you receive if you behave as if you already have the thing you want (like, you want a house … then buy decorative objects as if you already own it).

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